About Us.
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Who We Are.
Strategic. Independent. Strong.

A boutique marketing firm that works with clients of all sizes across various industries. Our breadth of experience expands over 25 years within retail, consumer packaged goods, building & commercial and Specialty.

What We Do.
Original. Creative. Fun.

Fifteen64 offers turn key outsourcing services that are limited only by our imagination.

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"Visual marketing does not just sell a product or service
- it sells an experience around your business."

- RebekahRadice

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How We Do It.
Passion. Patience. Love.

Strategic Marketing Consultant



Store Planning

Instore Display, Signage and POP

Publications (Print and Digital)

Merchandising and Display

Project Management

Why Work With Us.
Insight. Innovation. Results.

From concept development through planning and implementation, Fifteen64 will be an integral part of your team and gives you:

• Access to additional expertise;

• A team based approach that is targeted at improving communication and participation to produce a coordinated, time efficient and cost e ective result;

• The ability to free up in-house management to focus on other functions;

• Reduced operating costs including head count and related costs;

• The opportunity to focus on your core services.

Commercial Marketing.
Marketing. Instore. Digital.

Understanding of National Buy Groups within Canada as well as the Regional players

• Strong ability to communicate upsell opportunities to retailers (increased sales/revenue/turns)

• Ability to create AIDA at the street level

• Marketing tools that educate and reinforce the ‘me too’ message

• Strong knowledge of the Direct to customer/One Step/Two Step Distribution channel within Canada

• Ability to take heavily commoditized products (ie roofing, insulation) and create a program that helps to differentiate from the herd & support higher margins

• Proven track record of taking ‘non sexy’ products and creating a buzz/demand

